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None but Jesus

As I was sitting in "big church" for the last time this morning I kept thinking about how when I go off to college in a few days there really won't be anything I truly know there. My family won't be there, my church won't be there, my friends won't be there, the elementary ministry won't be there, my mentor won't be there...

But God will be there.

This is where faith becomes apparent. I'm scared to death, but right now I have to make the decision: Will Danielle Merante trust God the same in Johnson City, TN as she says she does in Louisville, KY? He's all I'm going to have down there, so I know I'll have to. I'm going to need Him like no other time in my life, and I don't doubt He'll show up BIG. I just have to trust that He will take care of my mind and emotions. Even though right now it seems so hard.