These days if you don't post a picture of your dad/husband on social media on Father's Day then you don't love them. I am all about not giving into social norms, but I still want my dad to be publicly encouraged, so here's a blog post of 10 things my daddy has passed down to me.
1. His love for people. Dad was almost always the one at fault for the family having to eat a late lunch after church on Sundays because he got caught up in a conversation with someone. We finally learned to take separate cars :). I'm so grateful for an example of someone who genuinely loves others so much that he sets aside time to invest in and truly listen to them.
2. His olive skin. Shoutout to Tom for genes that make me significantly more tan than most of my friends (when I actually spend time outside) and to not be able to pull off the color yellow.
3. His love for sports, especially football. It's just a beautiful thing. #goBroncos
4. His steadfastness of work, even when he doesn't love what he's doing. He has never quit, so I have (hardly) ever quit.
5. His last name. I'm so proud to be a Merante.
6. His ridiculous sayings. Unfortunately, I've begun to repeat some of the things he says that have always driven me crazy. For instance, whenever I am eating corn, I always ask my present company, "Do you know what I like about corn?" Invite me over for a homemade meal, and you'll get to hear the rest.
7. His face. Everyone tells me I look like my dad. And he's very handsome. I'll take it.
8. His love for roller coasters. You name it, I'll ride it. And riding them alongside Dad is the best place to be.
9. His faithfulness. If you're a genuine friend of my dad's, you'll be friends for life despite time or distance. The same goes for me.
10. His love for and service to Jesus. Some people think I'm cool because I'm in full-time ministry. So is my dad - he just doesn't get paid for it. I think that's more admirable.