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Secrets of a Babysitter

Here are some secrets to being an awesome babysitter... for the parents AND the kids to like you =)

1. My mom always taught me, "Leave the house cleaner than when you got there." Sometimes I'm having so much fun, or time does not permit, but usually I do a load of dishes or clean up a few toys.

2. Climb trees.

3. Do backflips on the trampoline.

4. Walk/ride bike to buy them ice cream.

5. Know every single Disney Channel theme song.

6. Comment on how young the parents look (but don't lie).

7. Show up early. 5 minutes is perfect.

8. Make the parents laugh.

9. Cameras. Kids LOVE cameras.

10. Make sure the kids know that you're not old-fashioned or boring. Let them know you're cool and can relate to stuff they feel. For example, let them know you hate eating vegetables too, but eat them alongside them, and they'll think it's cool.

11. Make sure the kids know who's in charge. Although they don't like it momentarily, they will soon appreciate AND forget you helped lay down the law. Not too harshly, of course. Just keep them mindful =)

12. Drive.

13. Remember birthdays.

14. Quote their favorite movies.

15. Hold them and swing them around (upside down optional).

16. Pray before bed!

OK those were just some off the top of my head =)

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