Because I'm generally an outwardly joyful and positive person, I think that sometimes makes me difficult for people to relate to. I don't usually hide my sin (I'm sure many of you can pinpoint many faults I have), but when it comes to things I deeply struggle with I only let a few select people know where I truly fall short. Between my selective transparence and my obvious happiness, I think that translates to the rest of those I interact with that I have it all together.
I don't.
I find my value in the number of likes I get on my Instagrams. I have a crappy attitude towards my parents when they ask me to help out, even though they're spending quite a large percentage of what they earn on my tuition. When I run I try to run on busier streets so that maybe someone I know will see me and think I'm awesome. I can't let other people win; even when I babysit it's hard for me to let the kids win sometimes (in Candyland... SERIOUSLY?!). I speed - a lot. I make people feel guilty about things they shouldn't. I struggle daily, sometimes even hourly, with controlling what I think and watch as it pertains to our sex-filled culture. My pride constantly astounds even ME. I usually find more value in certain people's opinions of me than in how God views me.
OK. That's enough, people.
My favorite part about all those things and the hundreds I didn't mention is that despite them all, I am valued. I am loved. I am worth everything to the God who designed every part of me. He called me by name. He sacrificed himself through Jesus because he wanted me to belong to him. Forever.
You, too.
I could find my worth through other people. What they think of me. How they see me. What they hear about me. What I post on Instagram. And oftentimes I do. But at times I have to give myself a reality check. Why would I want to focus on what other sinful humans think of me? I'm going to fail them over and over and over and over again, and then their opinions of me will be rightly marred. But if I focus on what my God thinks of me, my reputation is utterly flawless. Because I've given him full faith and control of my days, when he looks at me he only sees his daughter covered by the perfect blood of Jesus.
I don't know about you, but I'd prefer that grace any day.
But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1
beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you, sweet friend! SO encouraged by this!!