A fellow blogger (Molly) has written a few posts featuring random things about herself. No, I'm sure you guys don't care, but I think I could amuse myself by writing oddball stuff about me. So.. here goes try #1:
~ I secretly want a pair of every color Chuck Taylor's. My mother despises them, so I've momentarily ended my buying spree. So far? Light pink and Tennesse orange (fake, but $7).
~ I have an odd obsession with Qtips. I use an average of 5 a day to clean out my ears.
~ I am slightly germaphobic. Wash your hands after using the restroom (EVEN AT HOME). Don't sneeze on your hand (and then grab my stuff). Don't touch anything but soap and water directly after fiddling with your feet. After playing outside, use sanitizer or wash. It's just a little fetish.
~ I am very competitive. Very. Pride issue.
~ I don't like it when people use the wrong forms of "they're/their/there or your/you're". Learn.
~ I've always wanted to know someone elses life as intricately as I know my own. Maybe not feel all the hurt, but know everything and every thought that consumes them. I think it'd be cool to see if other people are as random or as deep as I am.
~ When I run (an average of 4 times a year), I only like to do it on a treadmill. Most people hate it because it's a constant motion with no new scenery. I either read, watch TV, or listen to music. Guess what I do the whole time? Look at the numbers on the treadmill a figure out my average speed, how long I have to run to reach this many miles, how many calories I'm burning a minute, etc. It keeps my mind occupied.
Well, right now I have to go to the bathroom, and I'm at school. Therefore I cannot leave the computer up, and this post must come to an end.
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