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Song of Songs Chapter 8

The series at church we are currently studying is called "I Do" based on the Song of Solomon. I love the way our pastors are approaching it. Usually when we study things like this we always go back to the "God is our one, true love. We need to have this type of love with Him." Stuff like that. Oh, I absolutely believe it, but I know it. Sure, I don't know it all, but sometimes when you hear stuff over and over again, you just stop listening. Is that bad to say? It has its moments when it sticks, and those are wonderful.

Anyways. Today there was a different spin. Matt Reagan spoke of intimacy based on Song of Solomon chapter 8. We spoke of how intimacy is more than sexual relations, and how we are supposed to build it up. Here are some notes I jotted down (plus a few thoughts I didn't write down at the time).

-Love is an incredible thing, but more than portrayed.
Song of Solomon 8
vs. 1
The only person they could show affection towards in a public setting was a sibling.
vs. 2
vs. 3
Above all else in the world, we want intimacy.
vs. 5
Their love story. All love starts with its own story. She figuratively saw her man coming along the horizon, and she wished to share the story of their love.
vs. 6
Death is a permanent thing (except for the whole Jesus rising from the grave thing:). HE is jealous for us.
vs. 7
Love is worth everything. For the one you love, selling your home would be nothing. It's more than all the riches or anything you could imagine.
vs. 8
This is like us saying today, "I have a friend who wants to know ________." "My friend wants advice to handle this (____________) situation." It's so they can know what to do and how to find the love their friend has experienced.
vs. 9
The integrity of a Godly, whole, and righteous woman needs to be built up and exalted! In the case of her being a door (which most women are), this means they have more than one love story. We are meant to have only 1 (physically).

We need to try to build intimacy.

*People who stay committed to one person are more sexually intimate than anyone else.

You can listen to the message on Collide TV here starting sometime later this month (hopefully!).

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