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Lately I've been surrounded by adults who just simply encourage. They tell me how proud they are of decisions I've made. Told me I'm beautiful. Tell me they want their kids to turn out like me. Tell me I'm funny. Don't get me wrong, I love that :] SO SO much.

Today I was sitting in church, completely surrounded by parents who I babysit for, all encouraging me, patting me on the back, etc. As I was soking in how great it felt to be loved this much on Valentine's Day as a 16 year old without a boyfriend, I realized something. This is why I hang out and gravitate towards adults. People my age don't say encouraging words half as often, and even more often they have things to say or actions they take that tear down.
So, why don't kids, teenagers, encourage? I assume it's because for the most part we're creatures of selfishness. I don't know... But maybe if people my age began saying nice and kind things, all of our lives would be better. I know mine would be.

That's my challenge for myself: Encourage, encourage, encourage.

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