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Back at Milli

This post was inspired by fellow previous intern, Elizabeth Gentry.

For the past four weeks, friends have continued to ask me how I'm adjusting to being back at Milligan. I thought for my own sake, I'd record my thoughts concerning this matter.

I love being back at Milligan. I truly, truly, TRULY do. I love being back with my friends. I love attending all the random events like basketball games and res life funsies and college night at ChickfilA. I love being down the hall or across the parking lot from some of the best friends I could ask for. I love that I have access to Barberitos whenever I feel it. I love learning. I love being back with some of my favorite professors. I love getting to know the people I didn't before I went to Maryland. I love my two new work study jobs on campus. I love looking like a fool while doing Zumba every Tuesday and Thursday night. I love walking into the caf at 5:05 and being able to sit at any given table full of funny, lovely people. I love being back in the darkroom. I love contra dancing. I love that I love having time to myself. I love being back at Vespers. I love Sunday nights in the Word and prayer with friends. I am so grateful and happy to be back here!

Like Elizabeth said, Mountain kind of feels like a dream. It was undoubtedly the best experience of my life, but for some reason I don't think about it very often. I think about the people quite a bit, but in a "Oh my gosh, I love those people. They're awesome. I wish I could give them a hug right now." kind of way. I truly believe my contentment with being back at Milligan doing communal ministry here is a gift from God. I don't want to be moping around wishing I was doing ministry back in Maryland. I don't want to love being here but have another part of me secretly aching with nostalgia. I'm happy here.

The crap ton of homework part is driving me up the wall, but that's for another day.

Happy Friday!