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Weekend of Waffles

Guys, I am just so encouraged right now. I am currently on my way back from a 4-day Fall Break spent in Maryland, and I’m overflowing with joy, passion, love, and encouragement. I’m not even sure if I can put it all into words… but what God does sometimes is WAY too big to put into words, isn’t it?

I’ll start with explaining the title of this post – Weekend of Waffles. This weekend I spent the night at three different family’s houses, and I wasn’t treated like much of a guest. There was hair in the shower drain, a stinkbug under my pillow, no breakfast waiting for me when I woke up, and when dinnertime came one night the family I was staying with said something along the lines of, “If you want to eat, go find something in the kitchen.” I ended up with a dinner consisting of 3 freezer-burnt microwavable chocolate chip waffles.

And I love all those things.

I wasn’t a guest in any of the homes I stayed at. Yes, they went out of their way to give me clean sheets and drive me places I needed to get to (and for those things I give my utmost gratitude), but when it came time to take a shower they said, “You know where the towels are… just grab whatever.” You don’t tell guests to find their own shower supplies or to grab their own water when they’re thirsty. Those are things you tell friends that have become an extension of family. With family you sleep in, run errands, watch murder shows, go on walks, sit down and don't have to talk, paint nails, make fun of, sing songs, eat meals, go to church, and much more that this weekend held. So to the Appels, Dudecks, and McDades, I thank you for allowing me into your homes and into your families. That's the biggest compliment and gift I could ever think to desire of you.

Another thing that hyped me up this weekend was Saturday night at the Cachiaras’ house. In 9 days, my friend, Kylie, is moving to Kenya for at least a year, and Ben, Karla, Kelly, and Rob invited some people who had influenced her life to come over to celebrate her and her upcoming African mission. The McDades were invited, so I tagged along to say my goodbye to Kylie and get some good snacks.

Pretty soon as we all ate and chatted, we gathered around and listened to Kylie share her current emotions about the move as well as her story of how she had gotten to that point. Following her testimony, Kelly and Rob shared their own stories as well as their emotions. The floor was opened after that to whoever wanted to reminisce on their experiences with Kylie or give encouragement to her. We finished with worshipping to Matt Redman’s “Never Once” and praying over Kylie’s new adventure.

Throughout the evening I did a lot of thinking, and seeing those who have influenced her so passionate and encouraged for her journey and seeing her excitement and relentless love for those she is preparing to interact with and serve encouraged me in my own walk. I’ve been focusing recently on the strength of my pursuit of Christ, and these days it hasn’t been very strong. I’ve realized it is because I’m so focused on what others around me want for me, what they want from me, and what I can do to make myself feel better… happier.

It dawned on me the other day like it has dawned on me many times before – if I pursue Christ and His desire for my life, THAT’S when I feel better… happier. That’s when I feel like I’m accomplishing something and when I feel passionate about life. Maybe because I’m doing what I have always been meant to do. Duh, Danielle.

So here’s to focusing every day – every decision, every moment, every interaction – on a much, MUCH bigger purpose than little ole, sinful, human me.


The World

I've been thinking about this the past few weeks...

Living in this world is hard.

Most days I realize how great I have it, but that doesn't mean that I don't realize how ugly life on Earth truly is. All around me people are lonely. Broken. Hurting. Hungry. Lost. Unloved. Searching. Exhausted. Stressed. Poor. Distraught. Annoyed. Longing. Insecure.

Divorce is always happening. People are always getting killed. Students are failing tests they've studied weeks for. Boyfriends and girlfriends are having fights. People are being talked about behind their backs. Others can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror, because they hate the person they've become, whether on the inside or outside. Friendships are ending. Debts need to be paid. Jobs are lost. Pets are sick. Family members are sick.

All these things people have running through their heads throughout the day, and hardly anyone knows about it. It's just a reality of this world. I've decided that it's my duty as a human and especially as a Christian to make each encounter with people one that makes their days a little better - a little brighter. If my smiles or hugs or encouraging words can erase the "badness" of someone's world for 1/3 of a second, it's worth it.

Let's make these years on Earth as good as a sinful world can be... especially for OTHERS. We get through this, and eternity is next. Praise God. :)