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The World

I've been thinking about this the past few weeks...

Living in this world is hard.

Most days I realize how great I have it, but that doesn't mean that I don't realize how ugly life on Earth truly is. All around me people are lonely. Broken. Hurting. Hungry. Lost. Unloved. Searching. Exhausted. Stressed. Poor. Distraught. Annoyed. Longing. Insecure.

Divorce is always happening. People are always getting killed. Students are failing tests they've studied weeks for. Boyfriends and girlfriends are having fights. People are being talked about behind their backs. Others can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror, because they hate the person they've become, whether on the inside or outside. Friendships are ending. Debts need to be paid. Jobs are lost. Pets are sick. Family members are sick.

All these things people have running through their heads throughout the day, and hardly anyone knows about it. It's just a reality of this world. I've decided that it's my duty as a human and especially as a Christian to make each encounter with people one that makes their days a little better - a little brighter. If my smiles or hugs or encouraging words can erase the "badness" of someone's world for 1/3 of a second, it's worth it.

Let's make these years on Earth as good as a sinful world can be... especially for OTHERS. We get through this, and eternity is next. Praise God. :)

1 comment:

  1. Some days I just wish I was blissfully unaware of all the hurt... like most people seem to be. It's exhausting and so sad, but you ARE a light and bring joy to so many people. I love you!
