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We are His.

Although it should probably be a more regular feeling, these past two weeks I have come to deeply love my Jesus in a whole new way. In mentoring Maya, especially recently, I have caught a glimpse of how much Jesus must love us. In our friendship/mentorship, it has gotten to the point where when she is full of joy, it fills me with joy. On the other hand, when she is hurting, it hurts me right along with her. All I desire to do is to put her hardships and pains of life on me and just have me walk through middle school for her so she doesn't have to go through those years that nobody likes. 

And when I realized that this is how I genuinely feel towards her, it made me understand just a fraction of how God feels towards us as his children. When we are going through awesome times in life, He celebrates with us! And when we are going through periods when life hurts and we don't understand, His heart breaks for us. What we feel and experience, God feels and experiences, because WE ARE HIS. His image. His children. His sheep. His. 

So today I thank Him. Realizing the extent of His love has never floored me so completely. What Maya does doesn't affect my love for her. I simply desire the absolute best for her. What we do doesn't affect God's love for us. He simply desires the absolute best for us.

He's so good. He's so holy. He's so just. He's so loving. He's everything. And I am so thankful.

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