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Goin' Bananas! (Camp 2009)

Last night I got home from spending 3 days with about 170 3rd-5th graders, and boy did I have the time of my life!!

You see, my summer hadn't really begun until I crossed the bridge heading over to Underwood Indiana's Country Lake Christian Retreat. Now I finally had something to do, and I would be spending the next few days with most of my favorite people and some kids I would soon learn to adore.

Day 1:
Drove up to the camp and got unpacked in my top bunk Arapaho 1. Convinced Juli to switch over cabins, and we headed off to the counselor's meeting. We learned the rules, changed into our "Goin' Banana's" t-shirts, and headed to our spots for opening day. I was to unload bags and welcome kiddos to camp...

Kids arrived, got checked in, and we headed to pizza party, worship, and team time. Juli (dorm mom) went over the rules and got asked about 30 questions. You can see how tired she was already...

Bed time! Lights out :)
Juli and I didn't sleep very well the first night. Especially her. You see, she had forgotten her pillow, so I gave her mine. Woke up a couple times throughout the next few hours (it's hard to sleep without a pillow). Soon (around 3 or 4) I feel a pillow being tossed onto my bunk. I hit it back down, because she needed it more than I did. Sadly, my pillow stayed on the floor the rest of the night, and neither of us got any sleep.

We spent the rest of the week falling in love with the kids in our group (SILVER!), worshiping an awesome God, dancing like crazy, and doing every possible little thing to make the kids love us and love HIM more. It was freakin' awesome. I had a blast hanging with Juli, Tammy, Rebekah, and all the other leaders there. Met some new friends, got a few favorite kids, and was just so happy with life. It was an awesome week, and I wish I could do it all over again. and again. and again.

Finished the days off with 6 baptisms and 6 other decisions for Christ. PRAISE GOD!

Here are some more pictures from the week:

Tootie Fruitie
a little fruitie, and sometimes a lot Tootie

Water Balloon Slingshot!



Fruit Flusher
(and yes, I did have to go into this crazy contraption :)


Time of Rhyme with Fruita D'loom

Bottle Cap Baseball ♥

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