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Journal Entries from the Dominican - Day 1

Hey, followers! Here is pretty much my entire collection of journal entries from when I was down in the Dominican. Enjoy...

July 22, 2009
So we were supposed to arrive in Santiago, DR yesterday at 8:30 PM. It is now 2 PM the next day and we're finally on our way there. Here's the story:
Yesterday my whole family woke up at 3:45 AM to take me to the Louisville airport. We easily checked in, said prayers/goodbyes, and took off. We arrived safely in Chicago around 6:30 and snuggled in to wait out our 6 1/2 hour layover. A few hours later a few of us decided to start "ghosting" people. It's where you follow someone extremely closely until they notice or it gets boring. I was so nervous the first time, but soon found I was pretty good at it! We had a blast.
We then proceeded to wait the remainder of the time.
Then our flight got delayed from 12:35 to 2:45. We wouldn't be able to catch our flight from Miami to Santiago! Great...
After boarding the plane and waiting 1 1/2 hours (9 1/2 after arriving at O'Hare), we finally took off for Miami. We arrived safely around 8:30 PM and then waited about another hour while the flight situation was figured out. Ate dinner and headed to the nice Holiday Inn booked for us. Oh, btw we didn't have our luggage, and we was STANKY!
Woke up around 10:15 AM after a wonderful night's rest. One group of 8 left for Santiago at 11. My group of 16 left the hotel to catch our 1:10 flight to Puerto Plata, where we would catch a bus to Santiago.
Well, when we get to the airport, they tell us our flight is overbooked. Matt, being the superhero he is, proceeded for the next 2 hours to squeeze us onto the plane. Guess where a few of us got to sit? First class, baby! Warm towels, plush seats, steak, beans, rice, salad, and cheesy bread for lunch.
We safely got to Puerto Plata. YAY! We filled out some stuff, went through security, and got on our nice, air-conditioned bus (Southeast Express). As we drove through the DR, we saw so much beauty and poverty. The guys of the DR loved seeing pretty American girls, so the smiled, blew kisses, and cleaned our windows. It was entertaining. ☺
We finally got the GO house, and we settled in. Later, we headed up to dinner. We ate rice with ham stuff, fried bananas (gross), incredible fruit, and some bread. After a few minutes of chilling we all walked down the street for ice cream...
After that we had a meeting where one of the staff ladies went over rules. They fed us fruit, chips, and salsa, and I volunteered to do dishes along with Emily S. and Ashley. Then we shared stories, went over scheduling, sang a few worship songs, and headed to bed amidst the noise of the streets.

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